Position Our Lives

This month at church we have been continuing the series we started in February and this past Sunday I shared a message about positioning our lives to hear and obey God more easily. The 30-minute message talks about how to make decisions—big and small—for our lives, how we 

Bible Study How-To

This past Sunday I shared a message at church. We’re spending the year focusing on personal, spiritual disciplines and missional living. I shared some basics about how to study the Bible: getting started, different ways, resources that can help, etc. It’s a very practical message that I believe 

Big Decisions Cannot Be Ignored

A couple of weeks ago I shared from Exodus about distractions in life. The particular story from Exodus is ripe with lessons we can apply in our lives. During Moses’ encounter with God, God gives him direction: free His people from Egypt. It’s not surprising Moses responded the way 

Distractions in Life

In a previous post I shared a passage of scripture from Exodus 3:1-4. In this passage Moses is going about his day-to-day work when he notices something a bit unusual: a bush, on fire, burning, but not being consumed by the fire. One of the most remarkable things about 

The Relevant Word

In Exodus 3 we read the well-known story of Moses and the burning bush: What an awesome experience this must have been for Moses. A lot of the time we read stories in the Bible and we don’t really grasp how amazing it must have been to witness some