Two Are Better Than One

This Sunday at church I shared a message entitled Two Are Better Than One. The message focuses on the value of working together as a team to accomplish a common goal. Download 

Why Every Church Should Have a Web Site

For some people this may be a point of contention. For me it seems like a no-brainer: Every church should have a web site. Nay-sayers would contest that church web sites do little to reach unchurched individuals or those not following Christ. Those individuals are, after all, not looking for 


Having just wrapped up a series on fruitfulness, this Sunday I spoke about what it means to be life-giving as a follower of Christ. My goal was to communicate that being a life-giver doesn’t have to be difficult and I presented some simple points that can help make it 

Hearing God’s Voice, Part 7

We have been discussing how to hear God’s voice and in the study we made some key points that can really help us hear God more easily, and know how to react when we’re not sure we are hearing Him at all. To summarize what we’ve discussed 

Hearing God’s Voice, Part 6

Last time we talked about hearing God’s voice we closed with a passage from the Gospel of John. This passage illustrates that our relationship with Christ must be a lifestyle. In the same way a branch cannot continually remove and re-attach itself to a tree, we cannot include God