Hearing God’s Voice, Part 5

We’ve been talking about hearing God’s voice and one of the elements we discussed was that God’s voice is a familiar voice. Knowing this certainly makes it easier to recognize when He is speaking to us; however, it also opens the door for potential confusion. It can 

Hearing God’s Voice, Part 4

In our series on Hearing God’s Voice we’ve looked at different elements to help us recognize when God is speaking. This time we’re going to take a slightly different look at the same topic by starting with a passage from 1 Kings; where Solomon is preparing to 

Fruitfulness Requires Toil

This Sunday I spoke at church. We’ve been talking about fruitfulness: what it means, what God expects, how be to fruitful, etc. My message is entitled Fruitfulness Requires Toil. It’s a message that delves into what the Bible says about fruitfulness and how it’s applied in our 

Hearing God’s Voice, Part 3

So far we’ve covered two elements of hearing God’s voice: God’s voice is a familiar one. God’s voice carries an inexplicable authority. The above passage, from Luke 11, illustrates another unique element in hearing God’s voice. A normal (read: healthy) parent will always desire to 

Pressing on in God’s Will

My church is continuing the “Pressing On” series. We’ve had a several different speakers over the last couple months share various aspects of what it means to press on; the series has been quite beneficial for us as a community. This Sunday I shared a message about the will