Hearing God’s Voice, Part 2

In my last post on hearing God’s voice I shared how God’s voice is a familiar one. Today I want to re-visit a passage from Exodus. In Exodus 3 God is sending Moses to speak to Pharaoh about freeing the Israelites. The story picks up in verse 13 

Pressing on to Overcome

For the last several weeks our church has been doing a series on Pressing On. This Sunday I shared a message continuing this series by speaking about what it means to overcome. Download 

Hearing God’s Voice, Part 1

Over the years I’ve made some observations that have led me to believe followers of Christ often face what seems to be an on-going challenge: hearing God’s voice. Sometimes people struggle with how God speaks to them. Other times the question is, “What does His voice sound like 

Money Doesn’t Buy Easy Choices

In a recent post I talked about the challenges some choices we have to make can present. It’s interesting that, much like the adulterous woman, Jesus also brought this individual to a place of immediate decision—and no easy decision at that. Jesus was asking the rich young man 

Difficult Choices

I’m sure everyone has a particular point of view about the woman in this story. This woman didn’t lead the most moral life, not by today’s standards and certainly not by the standards of her day. Nevertheless, think about what Jesus is asking of her. He was