The One Thing

It’s easy to become distracted. Everyone’s life tends toward busyness these days. Church-life, even, can oft be chaotic. It’s easy to become involved in so many things that most of our “free” time is occupied—leaving very little for recharging. Through all the busyness. Through all the 

Outreach versus Reaching Out

A passage of scripture that has been resounding in my mind for years has been Matthew 28:19-20: Jesus’ command is both sobering and compelling. As followers of Christ our mission is to both know God (“surely I am with you always”) and make Him known (“make disciples of all 

Life, the Universe, and Everything in It

One of my favourite passages is in Psalm 8. Maybe it’s because science and technology are an area of interest for me—I cannot help but marvel when I read what David penned: I’m sure the stars seemed brighter in David’s day. At least they would have 

Babies, Books, and Knitting

This is the time of year when many celebrate a rather historic moment: the birth of a child. It is unusual because our culture typically shuns the embracing of a single religion in favour of the “many paths to God” philosophy. Perhaps it is the captivating allure of a small 

What If Starbucks Marketed Like a Church?

Here’s a great video that answers the question of what Starbucks would look like if it marketed itself like so many churches today do. This video has been around for a bit, but it’s still funny (and true).